Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Bountiful Baskets

There's this really great thing that's come to town.  I send some ladies money on Monday, they scout around for the best deals for produce, then they buy it, put it in a truck and ship it to me.  I get to go to the park or pavilion or wherever, and pick up my "Bountiful Basket" on Saturday.  I get loads of produce for $15!  I have only done it a couple of times but it is way fun!  We have eaten stuff I never would buy because it was too expensive.  My challenge now is to not let any of it go bad.  So, Sunday for dinner we have wonderful sweet corn, green salad, artichokes with hollandaise sauce, etc.  I ended up with 2 big jicamas I didn't really know what to do with. 

So, I did some research.  I know you're all dying to know about jicama, so here goes.

They are high in fiber and vitamin C.  They are low calorie and low fat.  They are also called a mexican potato, but are related to turnips and legumes.  You can eat them raw, chopped up in a salad, or cooked. 

I tried the cooking tonight.  I peeled and "julienned" them then sauteed them with some olive oil and spices for awhile.  When they were looking quite transparent, I put them on a cookie sheet and broiled them until they were nicely browned.  Then I sprinkled them with my favorite seasoning of all time, Canadian Steak, and wa-la! they looked great and tasted super.  Kind of like fries but with a little more crunch and a lot more diabetic friendly than potatoes.

If you want to try out Bountiful Baskets, they have a great website that tells you all you need to know!  Just do a search.  It's fast, fun, and easy.


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