Monday, April 4, 2011

Bedtime Stories

There is nothing quite as fun as Daddy reading bedtime stories.  With our daddy gone so much the kids really love when he sits down to read them stories.  We've been on the hunt for good "chapter books" that a 6,5,3, and 1 year old would like.  Tricky.   However, our current reading is this:   

Who hasn't read this series and loved it?  I bet very few. It is a classic. Matt even named his childhood dog "Boone" after one of the characters. It has been around for a long time and it's perfect for bedtime because the chapters are short, but lots of fun. 
Any other suggestions you may have for bedtime stories for older children?


  1. Our girls liked "The Mouse and the Motorcycle" books :) Of course they LOVE LOVE LOVE the magic tree house series as .well

  2. Tauns,
    We've thought of The Mouse and the Motorcycle, but haven't tried them yet. Nathan LOVES the Magic Tree House books too. I remember that my brother Sam devoured them as well. Good stuff.
