Thursday, April 14, 2011

Easter Traditions?

The best part of having your own small family (and not living very close to extended family) is deciding what traditions you want to carry on, leave behind, or start.

For Easter, growing up, I loved making Easter Bread (which comes from my grandma), making cream puffs with my mother, watching Easter Parade (starring Judy Garland and Fred Astaire), and watching Easter Dream. 

Since I have been married, some of these things haven't happened during the Easter season especially with small children. This year, I want to find some new traditions that are a little more kid friendly, and I want your ideas. I want to hear them all from egg hunts to talking about Christ's resurrection.

What are some of your favorite traditions for Easter?

1 comment:

  1. Easter has been a hard holiday for us to make or really even follow traditions. The Dopps had some traditions that were fun when we first got married. I'm kind of too lazy to keep them going, but they are fun. They used to have easter egg hunts at Matt's Grandma's. Each child got a different colored egg to find, so that made it easier not to have kids fighting. :) Grandma was generous. We even got money (change) in some eggs.

    For us, I remember that Mom usually kept things pretty low-key. She always wanted it to be less about the candy and Easter Bunny. Sometimes the Easter Bunny would only leave one large bowl for us all to share. That was always fun. :)
