Friday, April 8, 2011

How to keep a 10-month-old entertained in the Doctor's office

1.  Read a book.  Several times.

2.  Let him crawl on the waiting room floor until his name is called.

3.  Give him your cell phone to play with.

4.  Bounce him up and down, throw him around, look out the window and up at the fluorescent lights.

5.  Show him all the instruments in the examination room.  (Don't mess with them too much!  The doctor will notice.)

6.  Change his diaper.

7.  Grab a tongue depressor out of the jar; use it as a drumstick/sword/chew toy.

8.  Set him on the doctor's swivel stool and spin him around.  Back and forth, back and forth.

9.  Feed him little snacks.

10.  Put him BACK on the swivel stool, this time on his stomach.  Then he can watch the wheels as he spins.

11. Pull out the cell phone and start taking pictures.

(Hopefully the Doctor has come by now.)

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