Monday, March 7, 2011

Cleaning House - Problem Solved!

I arrived home from a week in AZ late Saturday afternoon to a house that was in, thankfully, pretty good shape - except for the "surfaces" - floors, countertops, etc.  Angie offered to sweep, I mopped, then started wiping down the kitchen cabinets.  Little Lily (age 4) saw me with a spray bottle and informed me that she "cleans house for Nana" (her other grandma) all the time.  I let her have a go at it, and before I knew it, all the cabinet fronts were clean (with only a few puddles at the bottom), fridge and stove front, doors and walls, and she was begging for more to do.  So, I showed her the baseboards and she was so excited to get to work!  Woo-hoo!  Cheap, willing, always-available labor if the job involves a spray bottle and a rag!  I haven't considered grandchildren as labor saving devices before - I'll have to re-consider! -and keep a stash of quarters handy.


  1. Great! If I remember correctly, this same tactic worked here too. :)

  2. I LOVE that idea! I need to get that one going here! :)
