Friday, March 18, 2011

Family Home Evening: Love One Another in the home

One of my most memorable Family Home Evenings as a child was the time my mother made a crown...

She started by reading about King Benjamin - how he treated people right and desired the best for everyone. King Benjamin spoke to parents about taking care of their children, not letting them quarrel or fight. We talked about why it's not good to quarrel and fight as a family, and what we can do in our lives to be peacemakers at home.  We then discussed how sometimes we treat our friends better than our family, but how important our family members are to us.  Mom asked us "how we would treat a king, like King Benjamin?"  She then asked, "how should we treat each other?"

We then took turns wearing the crown. When it was our turn to wear the crown, all the other family members would go around saying something they loved about that person. It could be something about their outward appearance or personality trait, a thank you for doing something for them, or whatever you could think of. I can still remember the feelings I had that night, the spirit was so strong. Most of us ended up in tears. It was a great learning and growing experience with our family. It really brought family unity and really helped some people open up and share their feelings that otherwise might not have been expressed. 

As I grew up those thoughts would come back to me many times when I would have a disagreement with one of my siblings, and I would remember that night. It is a really simple lesson, but had a lasting impression on me.

Now, I'm waiting for the right time now to use this idea with my own family. I want it to have a lasting impression, but feel my children are too young right now. What do you think is the best age so it will really sink in?

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